l Performance and wireless security
l Describe Cisco VoIP implementations
l Explain the key IP QoS mechanisms used to implement the DiffServ QoS model
l Configure Cisco AutoQoS for the Enterprise
l Describe and configure wireless security, and basic wireless management
l Introduction to Cisco Networking Technologies (INTRO) 2.1
l Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices (ICND) 2.3
l Complete the initial configuration of a switch
l Create basic interswitch connections
l Complete the initial configuration of a router
l Routing (static, default router, default gateway, and basic NAT and PAT)
l Concepts linked to routing protocols
l Standard WAN technologies (Frame Relay, PPP, and HDLC)
l Fundamental knowledge of IP Addressing
l Standard and extended ACLs
l Use client utilities including Telnet, IPCONFIG, Trace Route, Ping, FTP, TFTP, and
l HyperTerminal
l Basic IOS familiarity