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更新時間:7/4/2012  瀏覽次數:878
課程名稱:Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Using UML

This course will provide students with the system architects, software engineers, systems analysts, and designers responsible for the conception and creation of object-oriented software applications.


Module 1 - Introducing the Software Development Process

ü   Describe the Object-Oriented Software Development (OOSD) process

ü   Describe how modeling supports the OOSD process

ü   Explain the purpose, activities, and artifacts of the following OOSD workflows: Requirements Gathering, Requirements Analysis, Architecture, Design, Implementation, Testing, and Deployment


Module 2 - Examining Object-Oriented Technology

ü   Describe how OO principles affect the software development process

ü   Describe the fundamental OO principles


Module 3 - Choosing an Object-Oriented Methodology

ü   Explain the best practices for OOSD methodologies

ü   Describe the features of several common methodologies

ü   Choose a methodology that best suits your project


Module 4 - Determining the Project Vision

ü   Interview business owners to determine functional requirements of the software system

ü   Analyze interview results to identify NFRs, risks, and constraints

ü   Create a project Vision document from the results of the interviews and risk analysis


Module 5 - Gathering the System Requirements

ü   Plan for the process of gathering requirements

ü   Plan for the stakeholder interviews to validate and refine the FRs and NFRs from the Vision document

ü   Document the system in the System Requirements Specification (SRS) from all requirements sources,/li>


Module 6 - Creating the Initial Use Case Diagram

ü   Identify and describe the essential elements in a UML Use Case diagram

ü   Develop a Use Case diagram for a software system based on the SRS

ü   Record Use Case scenarios for architecturally significant Use Cases


Module 7 - Refining the Use Case Diagram

ü   Document a Use Case and its scenarios in a Use Case form

ü   Recognize and document Use Case and Actor inheritance

ü   Recognize and document Use Case dependencies

ü   Identify the essential elements in an Activity diagram

ü   Validate a Use Case with an Activity diagram


Module 8 - Determining the Key Abstractions

ü   Identify a set of candidate key abstractions

ü   Identify the key abstractions using CRC analysis


Module 9 - Constructing the Problem Domain Model

ü   Identify the essential elements in a UML Class diagram

ü   Construct a Domain model using a Class diagram

ü   Identify the essential elements in a UML Object diagram

ü   Validate the Domain model with one or more Object diagrams


Module 10 - Creating the Analysis Model Using Robustness Analysis

ü   Explain the purpose and elements of the Design model

ü   Identify the essential elements of a UML Collaboration diagram

ü   Create a Design model for a use case using Robustness analysis

ü   Identify the essential elements of a UML Sequence diagram

ü   Generate a Sequence diagram view of the Design model


Module 11 - Introducing Fundamental Architecture Concepts

ü   Justify the need for the architect role

ü   Distinguish between architecture and design

ü   Describe the SunTone Architecture Methodology


Module 12 - Exploring the Architecture Workflow

ü   Describe the Architecture workflow

ü   Describe the diagrams of the key architecture views

ü   Select the Architecture type

ü   Create the Architecture workflow artifacts


Module 13 - Creating the Architectural Model for the Client and Presentation

ü   Explore user interfaces

ü   Document a graphical user interface (GUI) application in the Client tier of the Architecture model

ü   Document a web user interface (Web UI) application in the Presentation tier of the Architecture model


Module 14 - Creating the Architectural Model for the Business Tier

ü   Explore distributed object-oriented computing

ü   Document the Business tier in the Architecture model


Module 15 - Creating the Architectural Model for the Resource and Integration Tiers

ü   Document the persistence mechanism in the Resource tier of the Architecture model

ü   Document the persistence integration mechanism in the Integration tier of the Architecture model


Module 16 - Creating the Solution Model

ü   Create a Solution model for a GUI application

ü   Create a Solution model for a Web UI application


Module 17 - Refining the Domain Model

ü   Refine the attributes of the Domain model

ü   Refine the relationships of the Domain model

ü   Refine the methods of the Domain model

ü   Declare the constructors of the Domain model


Module 18 - Applying Design Patterns to the Solution Model

ü   Define the essential elements of a software pattern

ü   Describe the Composite pattern

ü   Describe the Strategy pattern

ü   Describe the Observer pattern

ü   Describe the Abstract Factory pattern


Module 19 - Modeling Complex Object State Using Statechart Diagrams

ü   Model object state

ü   Describe techniques for programming complex object state